The official registration and financial information of Fayette County Cultural Trust may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
2020 Fayette County Achievement in the Arts
Albert Gallatin High School
Taylor Tubbs - Music
Adam Drabish - Theatre
Emily Rosie - Visual Arts
Brownsville Area High School
Delaney Harvey - Music
Andrew Havens - Theatre
Cameron Walters - Visual Arts
Connellsville Area High School
Joshua Brady - Music
Bobby McLuckey - Theatre
Berra Larkin - Visual Arts
Frazier High School
Emily Patch - Music
Briana Broadwater - Theatre
Sophia Wolinski - Visual Arts
Geibel Catholic Junior-Senior High School
Echo Shaffer - Music
Ryan Rusko - Theatre
Lauren Tomasko - Visual Arts
Laurel Highlands High School
Lauren Sperry - Music
Zachary Spolan - Theatre
Gabrielle Cummings - Visual Arts
Uniontown Area High School
Emily Parker - Music
Cooper Waligura - Theatre
Danielle Jones - Visual Arts